Let’s travel to Bali! No More COVID-19 Tests When Arrived

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Individualbali.com – No PCR test! now you can visit Bali (Indonesia) without the need for a COVID-19 test with several conditions that must be met. The Indonesian government has officially issued a new regulation for foreign travelers (PPLN) who will visit Indonesia.

The following are some of the regulations issued by the government through the “Kasatgas Circular Letter Number 17 of 2022” which was issued on April 5, 2022.

Previously the PCR test was applied to every foreign traveler even though they had received a complete vaccination, now the PCR test only applies to suspected Covid-19 symptoms, for example symptoms of fever or body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius.

“in the event that the PPLN is detected to have symptoms related to COVID-19 and/or has a body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius, it is obligatory to undergo a RT-PCR re-examination at the cost of being borne by the government for Indonesian citizens and the costs being borne independently for foreigners; ” as written in the document Kasatgas Circular No. 17 of 2022.

For more details about the guide for foreign travelers, please access this page CLICK HERE (Indonesia)

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